Malcolm & Maxine Knott
In our 10 years with LSCC, we have had the pleasure to witness the growth of the church from just a handful of people to its current state. This has been in no small part due to Pastor Kelvin and Irene Sim’s passionate loving commitment to ensure that sound foundational kingdom teaching of God’s word can be enjoyed by all members to enhance their walk with God.
At LSCC, we are also blessed with Bible Study home groups available for youth, adults, children and seniors. In addition, we have a number of annual events including a senior’s retreat held at various locations- this is something we personally look forward to. It is a continuing pleasure to meet and fellowship with such a joyful group of people.

Marta Blake
The greatest moment in my life was when my whole family was touched by the Spirit and gave our lives to Jesus at the same time.
In my younger days, I missed the opportunity to fellowship with God as we were traditionally taught that we were never good enough to approach Him.
However when I heard later what Jesus has done for us- that He saved us from our sins, gave us eternal life and promised us so much more when we live in Him; I felt so happy and free.
As a family, once we accepted Christ, we began to grow in the new life that God gave us. Since then, I have been privileged to be one of the initial church members of Life Solution Christian church. Pastor Kelvin is uncompromised in his teaching and writing, yet pastors the congregation with love and strength from God.
I thank God too for Pastor Kelvin’s lovely wife, Irene. She is also a tireless helper and counsellor, faithfully providing services in the background even to the extent of fetching me to church and back constantly for 9 years!
Furthermore, their sons and daughter have been additional blessings to the church with their God given gifts. Whilst the Sim family is a loving family, the entire church itself is also a big special family.
I am so grateful to God for allowing me to be a part of this church. Jesus is Lord and my God. Great is God’s faithfulness! His grace is constantly abundant in our lives!

Scott Halstead
I had been going to church for a few years, but had always questioned if God was real, until this particular incident happened. I had finished work at midnight, when I received a call from my friend Jon who asked me to drop him off at his girlfriend’s house. Jon had been troubled for a long time with gangs and drugs. Later that night after dropping Jon off, his brother called me asking where Jon was as he was very worried about Jon’s wellbeing, that Jon would do something stupid. I quickly made contact with Jon, who was now elsewhere, asking him what was going on. Jon seemed not his usual self, replying that the police would find him, before abruptly ending the call. Immediately, Jon’s brother, Jon’s girlfriend and I went looking for him desperately with no luck. We tried calling him several times, but it went straight to voicemail.
Being really desperate and all out of options, I prayed to God and asked for His help to find Jon.
I then called Jon again, which amazingly he answered but it was difficult to understand as he was gasping. Jon’s girlfriend did managed to hear something, which identified his location. We quickly drove there and found him hanging, but got him down in time whilst help was en route. Somehow by God’s grace, we found Jon before it was too late. The paramedics later told us that if we had been any later, Jon would have been dead. That was when God became very real to me- He answered me in my hour of need and saved Jon.
My name is Zachryn and it has been 3 months since I started attending Life Solution Christian Church with my daughters. We are originally from Malaysia and it was a big decision for us to relocate to Melbourne, knowing well that I had to handle things here on my own as my husband was still based in Malaysia. We chose to settle down in Vermont as we believed that was where God was leading us. We then felt so blessed when we managed to find a house close to the different schools. That was when I asked God for a church. I said “Father, You’ve shown us the place where You wanted us to be; You gave us a home and showed us the schools but where is the church?” So I then googled for a church near me and was very surprised to find Life Solution at the same address as my daughters’ school. My first thought was “what was a surprise! The church is right in our backyard” God took care of finding us a church too.
The first time I attended LSCC, I knew in my heart that this is the place that God wanted us to be in, for this season. Everything was so familiar that my children and I immediately felt at home. I called my husband right after the service and told him “I’ve found the church”. I truly saw God as Jehovah Jireh the Provider for He provided me a home, schools for my children and now the church in the most amazing ways.
Pastor Kelvin and Sister Irene have been a real blessing to us as I can open up my heart and talk to them, being myself without fear. The way they have opened their home and embraced us as part of the family has most definitely touched my heart. The word preached in church is so empowering and has been encouraging for my walk with God in this foreign land. I’m so thankful to know that my family and I are always covered with prayer.
Another thing that I love about LSCC is the fortnightly Solution Group Bible Study. I’ve been totally blessed by the way the Word is broken down in such a simplistic manner that we can all understand it easily. The teaching is not just for our knowledge but allows me to understand how we can yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit; allowing God to work in and through us. I also thank God for the way He has blessed me with a likeminded group of people who love God and love to serve His people. Life Solution is definitely a place we call home. I hope that I can be a blessing too in this house of God.

Thank you God for guiding and helping me throughout the years and for now giving me this opportunity to share my experience with Life Solution Christian Church (LSCC). I am so blessed to have LSCC as my home church in Melbourne. As one family in Christ, we share love, happiness, laughter, even struggles and challenges together.
Looking back I could never have imagined who I am now; without God’s miraculous work. I have changed a lot since the day I gave my life to Jesus in 2008. I was previously a shy and quiet overseas student, struggling with the language barrier and living alone without family and friends. My life was so full of anxiety. I didn’t know anything about Christianity until my classmate shared with me.
Out of curiosity, I decided to go to LSCC. The first sermon I listened to, preached by Pastor Kelvin, spoke straight to my heart “How to walk through the valley”. It was an encouraging message that stimulated me to reflect on my experience and think about “who is God?” I was also amazed by the worship team. It was not only the music that touched my heart but also the way they expressed their love and faith in God. That was my first encounter with God. Since then, I began to attend church regularly and gave my life to Jesus within a month. I was interested in knowing God and learning His word more and more.
Even now, after being a Christian for 10 years, I am still learning to serve God in many ways. The usher team and worship team members will set up church early in the morning before Sunday service and then clean up and pack up all equipment after. It is not just a simple act of duty, but learning to serve Him with commitment.
We also have Bible Study every fortnight wherein we learn to pray and study God’s word. That’s where we gain our spiritual food, knowing the purpose of serving God and learning to live a Godly life. Another beautiful thing I need to mention is prayer. LSCC always encourages us to pray. We spend time together to listen to each other’s happiness, challenges and struggles. We do our best to help each other and faithfully pray for one another.
I am so thankful to God for LSCC for helping, teaching and guiding me through my Christian walk. I am grateful for being part of this family. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate LSCC as we celebrate the 10th anniversary, thanking God for what He has done. May the Lord continue to bless our church, lead us to bring the gospel to the society and save many more lives. Let us keep on praying and praising the Lord.Let His name be glorified.

Firstly I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ, my wonderful Saviour for His manifold blessings and grace upon our church. Without God, we would not be here today. As I take this moment to reflect on our existence, it is truly a miracle seeing how far we have come along this journey through the years. Whatever we have accomplished and achieved as a church, it is solely by the grace of our Lord.
From the time I first attended LSCC 9 years ago until now, God’s faithfulness has been evident in the growth and transformation of the church. I had known Pastor Kelvin from years ago when he initially planted a church in Taman Perling, Johor, Malaysia. So when I heard from a mutual acquaintance that Pastor Kelvin Sim was pioneering a new church in Melbourne, I excitedly decided to reconnect with him. Since then, my spiritual life has been turned around in a dynamic manner that has led me to rediscover my passion and love for missions to the point of my current service as the mission’s coordinator.
Another thing that makes different from most other churches is the sense of purpose, belonging and unity as a family. There is always an opportunity to serve the Lord in whatever capacity, and all these experiences thus far have helped me in my spiritual maturity. LSCC has allowed me to not just participate but to also serve the Lord with my gifts and talents. Additionally the fundamental emphasis on Biblical preaching, teaching and studying as well as discipleship, mentoring and evangelism are the core tenets of LSCC.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity again to thank the Lord, my family and friends for all the support and encouragement you have given me as well as to countless others. Bless you LSCC and congratulations again!